Wheelset Eccentricity Measuring Equipment (EMO)
This equipment is used to measure the irregular wear and tear on the wheel, that is to say its lack of roundness. During the complete turn of the wheel, the system controls any roundness defects that appear on the three wheelset circles (selected by the customer), obtaining the wheel ovalisation value and the corresponding graph.
E.M.O. - Wheel Ovalisation Measuring Equipment
Safety is undoubtedly the most important aspect to bear in mind when planning the maintenance of railway vehicle wheelsets. As technology advances, trains become faster and more complex and safety tolerances become much stricter. The phenomenon of eccenticity (out of roundness) is a latent problem which seriously affects running safety and its early detection is necessary to prevent accidents.
In order to be able to detect the eccenticity of railway vehicle wheels rapidly, reliably, accurately and economically, Talgo has developed wheel eccenticity measuring equipment (EMO), which uses a sophisticated artificial vision technology designed by our engineering department.
This system measures the irregular wear and tear of the rim, i.e. its lack of roundness.
During the complete turn of the wheel, the system controls any roundness defects that appear on three wheelset circles (selected by the customer), obtaining the wheel eccenticity value and the corresponding graph.